Monday, August 30, 2010

Hurricane Earl is A Blowin'

Seems as though my Mom isn't the only one trying keep me home. The weather lately is showing a nasty Category 4 hurricane whirling around near Puerto Rico, not far from St. Kitts. No news yet on how this will effect my travel plans. The school has emailed us giving the heads up on the hurricane warnings, which should be passed the island by today. The hurricane is moving north though which may cause some problems for me as I fly out of Miami on Wednesday.

Will keep everyone posted though and in the meantime I'll leave you a nice link to what the weather looks like on St. Kitts today courtesy of someones home video (accompanied by a nice sound track)


  1. my plan is working perfectly muah ha ha (evil laugh)

  2. Does that mean we can have another going away party?
