Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days!

Don't really have time for much of a blog but wanted to give a quick update. 12 Days until I'm home and while that is so exciting, the thought of everything I have to do in these next 12 days makes it daunting.

2 full cumulative exams for Cell Biology and Histology and 2 anatomy exams covering the head and neck, the most complex neurovasculature we have learned yet.

Leisa, Brittany and I are looking at a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom place tomorrow morning so cross your fingers that it works out for us. Can't cut it much closer than we have, getting desperate for a new living situation!

I sawed a human skull in half today. AMAZING. Used a saw that I've seen in Dad's garage before, pretty barbaric. High light of my week by far.

Back to the grind. Love, miss, and see you soon :)