Friday, December 2, 2011

13 days until home!

Just checking in to let everyone know that I will be back in the states in 13 days! I survived my practical exam, the most stressful of all our exams, and am so relieved to have that over with! The practical exam is where you have a mock patient and a physician who gives you a scenario and you have to do the appropriate physical exam on the patient and then answer a series of questions regarding that scenario that the physician fires at you. Great practice but SO intimidating. This exam had 6 different stations so needless to say my stress was off the charts that morning. With 13 days left I have taken a vow to enjoy the island for what it is as I prepare to move back to the states. It is so easy to get caught up in school and all the negative things that come with living in a third world country (or as our epidemiology professor prefers to call it "an emerging nation"). This is my promise to enjoy the raw beauty of the island my last 2 weeks here because I may never return. While these have felt like the longest last 4 months ever, I still cannot believe I have spent a year and a half of my life living here. An experience that I will never forget and one that has taught me many things about myself, both good and bad! I truly believe that if you are never really tested and pushed outside your comfort zone than you never really learn who you are. I am a stronger woman for my time spent here and for that I am grateful. "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character" 13 days!!! :) :) :) Love, Ash