Friday, August 12, 2011

World's Worst Blogger!!!

So please forgive me for taking 2 and a half months off from the blog, yikes! Sorry everybody! So many days I thought about writing and then guiltily realized how much studying I had to do before I could go to sleep. Between studying for five classes, finding time to sleep, and clinging to what little sanity I had left there wasn't much time for the blog :(

Anyways I really don't have time to be writing right now either but I wanted to let everyone know that I am a mere nine days from setting foot back on American soil! I have not been home in 8 months, since Christmas, and this has been weighing heavy on my heart these last few weeks. This is the first time that I have felt truly, genuinely homesick. Academically, emotionally, and physically this has been the most demanding semester yet. Many days I felt like I was struggling to keep my head above water! Thank you so much for your continued support from back home, I needed it more than ever. Final exams begin on Monday and I fly back to Wisconsin on August 21. Ecstatic to see family, friends, and to be in the comfort of my own home. So please PLEASE forgive me for the total lack of blog action this semester but I promise you to be back in action in the months to come. Also I plan to include lots of pictures of my adventures while back home and will upload a few from this past semester to let you know what I was up to (other than studying of course)

Love you guys and hope to see everyone during my short trip home!!

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