Monday, January 31, 2011

This one's for you Dad

As my Dad so gently suggested, Ashley it's time for another blog! So here it is. It's been a while since you have heard from me and since then I have finished my first month of second semester. This semester makes the last one look like nothing. We have already covered neuro, cell, pulmonary, and reproductive in physiology and flown through 13 chapters of biochemistry which means we've been covering a little over 4 chapters per week. INSANITY. As our dean described to us "in medical school you attempt to catch a waterfall in a thimble." The sheer volume of information is enormous. Many med students will tell you that we could study every hour of every day, not sleep or eat, and still not feel like we know everything.

Our first set of block exams is a week from today...enough said

I often feel like I live the exact day over and over again. Wake up at 7, have five straight hours of lecture from 8 until one in the afternoon (try to grab a quick lunch somewhere in there) and go home at one. Once I get home I either take a quick 2o min nap or go for a run (lately naps have been more frequent than work outs) Then I literally study from 2 in the afternoon until i go to bed somewhere between 11 and midnight. Wake up and do it all over again. And there you have it, the exciting life of a medical student!

The best part of this semester is my much improved living situation! Moved into a new complex where Brittany and I share a two bedroom place. Huge living room and kitchen and half bath on the first floor, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and laundry on the second floor. Cannot tell you how much better this has made being here. I finally have an actual "home" to go to and study. Spending less time in the library and more at the kitchen table in the comfort of my own place. I feel so fortunate to be living where I do!

Looking forward to visits in late April from Alyssa, Shannon, and Lindsay and from my parents the first week in May. Can finally show them the place I currently call home!

Lots of studying to do but sometime after these exams I will take pictures of my new place and post them!

love and miss everyone :)

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